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Having The Right Attitude: Don't Be a Cyberbully

This article offers advice to the youth on not to be a cyberbully.

Sami was a gentle boy and an easy target at school. Today, he represents his university in basketball. However, the journey was not easy because he used to be tagged in pictures online with funny names and commented upon by total strangers. His height used to cause problems for him but he was able to adapt to the situation! He took advantage of what he was good at and moved ahead. Even today, his fellow students bring up old pictures from younger years but it doesn’t bother him any longer. He has learned to overcome cyberbullying.  


Unfortunately, some of us might take advantage of other people's blemishes by joking or even making fun of them without even realizing how this can have a big negative effect on those people.     If these same jokes carried out online, you will not be able to control the number of people who can read them 

The behavior that we exhibit in person with others has limits because we are aware of people watching us.  However, when online, these same restrictions disappear and do not seem to apply. So we post online without giving much thought to how it will be perceived by the other person.  

Therefore, remember what you do when no one is watching, reveals your true character. 


How would you like to be treated by your peers online? 

The golden rule remains - treat others the way you want them to treat you. If we indulge in cyberbullying, tomorrow the tables can turn and we may be the victims. Or worse, like we may have to watch a sibling go through it.  

There are certain guidelines that you can adopt personally as well as encourage others in your class and circle of influence to adopt. So remember the Golden Rules: 

  • Golden Rule #1: We are unique so let us treat each other with respect. 
  • Golden Rule #2: If a joke hurts, it is no longer a joke. It’s time for an apology. 
  • Golden Rule #3: What is said is not always remembered, what is felt will last longer. 
  • Golden Rule #4: We watch out for each other and we care about the principle of privacy. 
  • Golden Rule #5: Shared secrets are never secrets. 
  • Golden Rule #6: We will treat others’ personal information the way we treat ours. 
  • Golden Rule #7: It is good to be respectful and kind online. 
  • Golden Rule #8: Real friends care and are not scared bystanders. 
  • Golden Rule #9: Never post online what you wouldn’t say in person. 



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4 Minutes

Call to Action

Take the self-assessment test about cyberbullying to assess your online behavior.

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